Lib Dem Draw

Buy tickets for the Lib Dem Draw

The Lib Dem Draw is a great way to donate to the Liberal Democrat cause, and you could win one of our tremendous prizes to boot. Tickets cost just £1.00 each.

We will draw the prize winners for the Summer 2024 draw at 8:00pm on 27 August 2024 at 36 Wensleydale Drive, Camberley GU15 1SP.

Support Waverley Liberal Democrats

Your ticket purchase today will support Waverley Liberal Democrats. If you prefer, you can choose a different organisation to support.

Your chance to win £1,000 in August? Our chance to send 2 Lib Dems to Westminster! The Draw was scheduled to take place on 8th July - which now clashes with the GE on 4th July. Therefore we have taken the decision to postpone the Draw until 8pm on 27th August. Our message is still the same though. The silly season might be approaching, but we’re totally serious about doing everything possible to get Paul Follows and Khalil Yousuf into Parliament. And now, you can take part in the prize draw to give them both a better chance of winning, and maybe win something yourself! Tickets are £1 each via the button below. 70% of the money raised comes back to the local party, evenly split between Godalming & Ash, and Farnham & Bordon. Draw now closes on 26th August 2024. Paul and Khalil would like to thank you for all your help and financial support - we count ourselves lucky to have such a great and growing team around us across the community. Good luck!

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