Lib Dem Draw

Buy tickets for the Lib Dem Draw

The Lib Dem Draw is a great way to donate to the Liberal Democrat cause, and you could win one of our tremendous prizes to boot. Tickets cost just £1.00 each.

We will draw the prize winners for the Summer 2024 draw at 8:00pm on 27 August 2024 at 36 Wensleydale Drive, Camberley GU15 1SP.

Support Sutton Liberal Democrats

Your ticket purchase today will support Sutton Liberal Democrats. If you prefer, you can choose a different organisation to support.

Sutton Borough Liberal Democrats are fighting the General Election hard in both constituencies: Carshalton & Wallington (previously held by Tom Brake for 22 years up to 2019), which is the #2 ranked Advanced Constituency with a Tory majority of just 629 to overturn; and Sutton & Cheam (previously held by Paul Burstow for 18 years up to 2015). The prolonged uncertainty about the date of the election means we need to keep up a high level of activity for months to come - and this is expensive! We really need your help to finance these vital campaigns to take back these seats from the Tories. So please chance your arm and, who knows, you may win a fabulous prize too!

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